Hey y'all, 

There've been several developments in my life and work these past months since you've last heard from me. My partner and I have moved into our first house and have begun planning the details for our wedding next year. In the meantime, my studio's been in boxes, with no heat and no electricity! To top it off, my camera had to be sent away for a broken aperture arm that may or may not be worth repairing. All of these events have been less than conducive to creating new work or keeping my site up to date. But that's no excuse!

But rest assured - I've been hard at work unboxing supplies, running extension cords, and having baseboard heating installed! All the while, drafting up show proposals and figuring out what direction my work is headed in. Helpful in both pursuits was my boss lending me her spare camera so I could shoot the work I've been making this year! Check out the images I've spent all day editing at the 2017 > NEW WORK tab. 

I mentioned that I've been trying to figure out what direction I'm headed in. With so much change and uncertainty in the world right now, it's no surprise that my work has been going off in some new and different directions, and I've had a lot of surprising results using second-hand canvases, wood, fabrics, and collage elements. I've also been teaching myself embroidery and am starting to experiment with its inclusion in my newest work. 

Wish me luck as the deadlines for show proposals creep ever nearer. 

~~ I'm excited to keep doing good work ~~


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an example of a second-hand canvas I'll paint over